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Timeline of what to expect, when working with a Virtual Assistant

Leveraging the expertise and support of a Virtual Assistant (VA) has become an invaluable strategy for entrepreneurs, SMEs and HNWIs seeking to enhance their productivity and improve their operations.

To ensure successful collaboration, it's essential to have a clear understanding of what to expect during the initial weeks and months of working with your VA.

Regular communication, open feedback, and a willingness to collaborate will hugely impact the chances of a long-term successful working relationship.

Here’s what you can expect in the first 6 months and beyond:

Week 1: Onboarding and orientation

• In your first week, you'll engage in a kick-off call with your VA, where you'll outline key tasks and establish how you’ll work and communicate together

• This phase also involves the sharing of logins and passwords via a secure password management program

• Your VA will start immersing themselves in your business, tools, and specific tasks

• Your VA will create (or build upon) your client bible, which will detail everything about you and your business and how you like to work

• You may want to introduce your VA to key stakeholders and clients at this stage too

• Your VA will review and update you on time spent, so you have a good understanding of time utilisation

• It's important to make yourself available for any queries or clarifications during this time

Weeks 2-4: Task familiarisation and early Impact

• Your VA will continue to work on tasks you assign and will proactively take ownership of their responsibilities

• During this phase, you should start to establish effective ways of communicating and working together

• You should begin to witness the positive impact on your workload and overall productivity

• Your client bible will be further refined and your VA should start to observe and assess opportunities for improvements/streamlining processes

• You’ll continue to receive regular time updates, so you can gain a good picture of the time required each month and what time is being spent on

1-3 Months: Ongoing Improvement and Integration

• Beyond the initial month, regular check-ins will be conducted to review progress, discuss accomplishments, address potential challenges, and make necessary adjustments

• Your VA will continue to refine their work based on your feedback and may develop new skills tailored to your business needs

• Consistent support from your VA will be evident, and their proficiency in handling tasks and projects will increase

• Within the first 3 months, your VA should be fully integrated into your business, resulting in significant improvements in your productivity and workload

• You should be able to see time and cost savings achieved through outsourcing tasks to your VA

• You’ll have a clear picture of how much time you need each month you’ll have established a streamlined way of working together

6 Months and beyond: Enhanced productivity and long-term collaboration

• At this stage, your VA should have evolved into an indispensable part of your team, contributing significantly to improved productivity and efficiency

• You'll be able to clearly see the financial and time value of outsourcing

• Your VA will continue to provide solid support, adapt to your evolving business needs, and actively contribute to your company's growth and overall success

This timeline offers a breakdown of what you can anticipate during the initial weeks and months of your collaboration with your VA.

Working with a VA will require some initial time investment from yourself and ongoing communication for your VA to be able to take full ownership of work and add value.

Get in touch with Emilia at, to learn how a VA can free up your time and help you become more productive.

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